
【宮野マンドリン 価格改定につきまして】


・M-1:168,300円 → 価格据え置き
・M-2:205,700円 → 224,400円
・M-3bis:308,550円 → 355,300円
・M-4bis:336,600円 → 392,700円
・MD-1:261,800円 → 価格据え置き
・MD-2:280.500円 → 327,250円
・MC-1:327,250円 → 価格据え置き
・MC-2:355,300円 → 392,700円
・MC-3bis:439,450円 → 486,200円
・MC-4bis:467,500円 → 523,600円



【basicO マンドリン モデルチェンジのご案内】

新しいコンセプトで2023年にリリースされた「basicO マンドリン」が、このたびモデルチェンジして生まれ変わりました。

  • 材料品質の全体的な向上
  • ブリッジの素材/構造変更
  • マシンヘッド(糸巻)/テールピース 器具の改良
  • クッション性に優れた「専用ギグバッグ」をセット
  • 「さらに弾きやすく」「さらに気軽に手に取りやすく」の追求を実現

販売価格: 26,400円(税込)



[Changes to online shop shipping fees]

Due to a price change in shipping fees effective October 1st , we will be changing the shipping fees for our online store as follows.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.

[For orders placed by September 30, 2024]
・Orders totaling less than 5,000 yen: Shipping fee 200 yen (tax included) (within Japan)
・Orders totaling 5,000 yen or more: Free shipping (within Japan)

[For orders placed after October 1, 2024]
・Orders totaling less than 5,000 yen: Shipping fee 330 yen (tax included) (within Japan)
・Orders totaling 5,000 yen or more: Free shipping (within Japan)

*If you select NP Pay Later or Pay Later Pay as your payment method, an additional fee will be charged.
*For shipments outside of Japan, delivery charges will apply regardless of the total order amount.

◆For more information, click here


[ Ikegaku ROYAL Membership ] Started

When you purchase a membership, you will receive a 100% cash back in the form of a 10,000 yen gift card .
In addition, ROYAL Members are eligible for the following benefits:

・Free delivery coupons for online shopping ・Monthly distribution of ROYAL special coupons ・Other special coupons to be distributed ・Special e-mail newsletter to ROYAL membership members

*Membership period: 1 year from date of issue