Sheet music Ozaki Archives "Choridita Instruction Book (Volume 1) (C. Meunier)"

SKU: 2310000272948

Sale price₩10,000


Includes commentary and Japanese translation by Takayuki Ishimura

This is an instructional book written by Carlo Muniel (1859-1911), a composer and mandolinist known as the "father of the mandolin." The four volumes of ``Choridita'' are thought to have been written with the aim of complementing the various techniques practiced in Meuniere's instructional book and helping students acquire more advanced techniques, but of course, ``Choridita'' can also be used as an independent practice. There is no doubt that even if you study it as a collection of songs, it will have a great effect.
``Shoridita'' means ``free fingers, quickness,'' and is a collection of etudes that specialize in learning accurate and free left-hand string pressing and flexible picking techniques.

Volume 1 consists of three songs each in major and minor keys, which are tone pattern exercises for learning relatively simple but important basic techniques. Meuniere writes that they should be played at a slow tempo. It is recommended that you practice while listening to the advice of your instructor, if possible, to avoid developing any special habits in the early stages. It is also important to cultivate each tonal sense and pitch sense through the six tonal exercises.

*Under the guidance of mandolinist Takayuki Ishimura, the descriptions and explanations in Italian (excluding musical terminology) in each volume are translated into Japanese as much as possible.

It will take some time to order it. (about 1-2 weeks)