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  • Takeshi Yoshida's Mandolin Talk ~ Guest: Yuichi Iguchi
  • Is there a future for university mandolin clubs?
  • Ochiai Gengakki's flat mandolin "Avan." released
  • Touring the tombstones of mandolin pioneers: A. Sarcoli
  • The turning point between mandolin music and harmonica music
  • Mandolin concert & live report
    Kobe University Mandolin Club 68th Regular Concert
  • The sound of a single-string mandolin played by Takaaki Shibata
  • New Year Concert Report
  • correspondent report
    Yonago Mandolin Orchestra 38th Regular Concert
    Tsuyama Mandolin Orchestra 39th Subscription Concert Oita Mandolin Orchestra 70th Anniversary 35th Subscription Concert Playing Phantom 1 in Oita Nanban BVNGO Mandolin Orchestra 3rd Concert with Marionette Mandolin Orchestra
  • News & Topics
  • Airin's learning diary
  • Mandolin Orchestra Masterpiece Tour - "Romantic Intermezzo"
  • "Play! Mandolin" Horoscope by zodiac sign from March to June
  • Takashi Kubota's "Philoman spilled stories"
  • Daisuke Akaiwa's "Specially selected mandolin CDs that you must listen to"
  • Shining! University Mandolin
    Tottori University Mandolin Club (Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture)
  • Akira Yanagisawa's "Things you need to know about conducting even if you are not a conductor"
  • News from the museum
  • A record of the struggles of third-year music students
  • CMSA Convention2023 Report
  • VIiva! Mandolin Orchestra Miyazaki Mandolin Club
  • My Mandolin Life: Atsushi Adachi
  • Exploration of Prince Mania's musical instruments
  • Kinobuko Sako recommended new song information! and more
  • “Twinkle Mandolin Days” by Shiori Yokomizo
  • Suzuna Takahashi studies abroad in Germany
  • Linked CD content introduction
  • Songs and explanations featured this time
    To You Shining Main Theme Amethyst: Mandolin Ensemble (6 parts)
    Funauta: Trio (mandolin + mandola + guitar)
    Romantic Interlude: Mandolin Ensemble (6 parts)
    Tango: Trio (mandolin 1/2 + guitar)
    Trumpet and Daughter: Quartet (mandolin + mandola + guitar + mandoron cello)