Sale price₩21,000


Supervised by Tadashi Aoyama/Arranged by Rie Muto
Arrangement: Mandolin x 2 (with guitar cord)

Arranging songs from various genres into mandolin duets.
It comes with a guitar cord, so you can enjoy it as a trio with a guitar.

【recorded music】
・Come to the sea (Italian folk song)
・Deep River (Negro Spiritual)
・Aria (JS Bach/A. Wilhelmi)
・Canzonetta (WA Mozart)
・Lullaby (F. Schubert)
・Little nuts (G. Bizet)
・Song of the Bullfighter (G. Bizet)
・Star World (CC Converse)
・Maria Mari (E.di Capua)
・Student Prince's Serenade (S. Romberg)
・Terry's Theme (C. Chaplin)
・Libertango (A. Piazzolla)
・My Way (C. Francois)
・Happy Christmas (J. Lennon)
・Tomorrow (A. Gannon)
・Hometown (Teiichi Okano)
・Beach Song (Tamezo Narita)
・Flower town (Dan Ikuma)
・Good day departure (Shinji Tanimura)
・So tears (Begin)
・Journey (Dream Flight) (Joe Hisaishi)