Sale price₩39,000


・op.18 Tarantella of Naples -2M. PG-
・op.19 Respected Gavotte Reverence -MGP-
・op.23 March of the Soldiers Quanno'e Suldate Passano -M. (G.)-
・op.26 Bolero No. 1 Bolero -2M. DG-
・op.26 Bolero No. 1 Bolero -M. (G.)-
・op.27 Fairy Dance Ballet de Fee -2M. P. (G.)-
・op.30 Dance style and song style Danza e Cantabile -M. (G.) P.-
・op.36 Polonese -M. (G.) P.-
・op.43 Dwarf's Dance Danza dei Nani -MP-
・op.45 Prelude No. 1 Preludio -M.-
・op.47 Sonatina on the theme of Beethoven's "Sonatina (Allegro)" Sonatina -2M. DG-
・op.49 Prelude No. 2 Preludio -M.-
・op.52 Mazuruka Polacca -M. (G.) P.-
・op.53 Spring Evening Soiree de Printemps -M. (G.) P.-
・op.54 Pavana -M. (G.) P.-
・op.55 Grand Studio di Concert -MP-
*M. Mandolin / D. Mandola Tenor / G. Guitar / P. Piano
(The instruments in parentheses are the parts arranged by the editor)