Instruction book “Kubota Mandolin Instruction Book Volume 2” edited by Takashi Kubota

SKU: 2310141160456

Sale price₩20,000


I will explain the etudes included in the first volume of the Odell instruction book based on the Kubota method.

・About tremolo
- Abbreviations related to tremolo
・About the numbers written on mandolin sheet music
・Explanation of symbols
・Explanation of terms
・Practicing major triad arpeggios for each key
・2 octaves of ascending and descending practice for each key major scale and minor scale
I Practice with slow tremolo
1) Practicing 4-stroke tremolo
2) 8th tremolo practice
3) Practicing 6-stroke tremolo
4) Practicing 12 series tremolo
II Practice with standard speed tremolo
1) Practicing 4-stroke tremolo
2) 6-step tremolo practice
3) Practice 8-stroke tremolo
III Practice expressing changes in speed by changing the number of tremolos
IV General practice
Syncopation practice
triplet practice
skill practice
ensemble collection
1) Duet (Stamitz)
2) Chaconne (Handel)