Sale price₩25,000


Score/part score/commentary set
Score: 1st and 2nd mandolin, mandola, guitar
Part score: 1st and 2nd mandolin, mandola, mandoron cello, guitar, mandrone, percussion instruments (triangle timpani)

The score and parts are based on the original score published by the mandolin magazine ``Il Pretolo'' published in Milan.
The score and parts for mandolin 1 and 2, mandola, and guitar were distributed in printed form, but the scores and parts for mandolin 2B (only for "Sirena's Song"), mandolincello, mandrone, harp, timpani, and triangle were distributed in printed form. The parts were hand-copied and distributed by Il Pretolo magazine.

1st Movement (Naiade Serenata) Andante Grazioso
2nd movement (Dance of Ondina) Allegretto
3rd Movement (Sirena's Song) Andante
4th movement (Tritone fugue) Allegro vivace

It will take some time to order it. (about 1-2 weeks)