Sale price₩17,000


This is a valuable collection of composer Seiichi Suzuki's life and presentation manuscripts, including explanations of all his works in his own handwriting.

・Instead of a preface [Chapter 1 Talking about Seiichi Suzuki]
・Mr. Seiichi Suzuki and I ・About Professor Seiichi Suzuki ・Memories of Mr. Suzuki ·chronology ・Uncle's memories ・About her husband, Seiichi Suzuki (Interview)
[Chapter 2 Memories of Mr. Suzuki]
・In memory of Professor Suzuki ・Being blessed with a great leader (dialogue)
・My life teacher (roundtable discussion)
[Chapter 3: Seiichi Suzuki's handwritten commentary on mandolin works]
[Chapter 4 Seiichi Suzuki handwriting]
・From the mandolin guitar research magazine “Fret” and the mandolin concert pamphlet [Chapter 5 Comments on Seiichi Suzuki by mandolin people]
・From an article published in the mandolin guitar research magazine “Fret” [Afterword]
[“15th Anniversary Concert after Seiichi Suzuki’s Death” Program]

Planning composition: Tsuyoshi Tohhata