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Arrangement: Guitar

1 year
2 street corner
3 Night Garden
4 dreams
5 May
6 Izumi

Winner of the Jury Prize at the 29th TIAA All-Japan Composer Competition sponsored by the Tokyo International Arts Association (November 2020).
This song was performed by actress Ikuko Numazawa, who lives in Sendai, at the reading performance "Ikuko Numazawa Alone Reading Elegy" held at Izumity 21 Small Hall in Izumi Ward, Sendai City on September 27, 2017. The performance's program ``Togetsu'' consisted of recitations of more than ten poems from a collection of poems of the same name by poet Noriko Ibaraki. After the performance, the music that was created and used in fragments as BGM and bridge was compiled into a suite of six pieces.
The title of each song is the title of a poem in the collection. The first song ``Saigetsu'' and the second song ``Machikaku'' have lyrical melodies that make the guitar sound sweet. The third song ``Night Garden'' is expressed entirely using natural harmonics, giving it a mystical image. The fourth piece, ``Dream,'' uses a three-finger arpeggio to express the campanella technique in a fantastical way. The fifth song, “May,” uses tremolo to create the refreshing atmosphere of a May morning. The sixth piece, ``Izumi'', uses the first half of the first song to bring cohesion and warmth to the suite and conclude it. Each piece is created using expressions unique to the guitar, while valuing the image of poetry. In addition to playing it solo, I think it can also be presented along with readings, or used as an exercise piece.

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