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Publisher/Distributor: Sing! Play! Project
Supervision: Takeshi Yoshida

・Tsuyoshi Yoshida's Mandolin Talk ~ Guest: Kiyoko Sako
・2021 National High School Guitar and Mandolin Music Competition Report & Miscellaneous Impressions
・Publishing “Hiroshi Oguri Works Collection”. ~Commemorating 40 years since Yutaka Oguri’s death~
・Takumi Mamiya Mandolin Recital Report
・“Koane Club” Online Concert Report The present and future of the mandolin...
・The guitar and mandolin world of the late 1930s seen from the outside
・Mandolin concert & live report
Ensemble Reate 3rd Regular Concert
Tone Cluster Mandolin Orchestra Concert
・Correspondent report
Hakodate Kitagata Mandolin Club “98th Anniversary Regular Concert”
On the passing of Masanobu Kimura
2021 Tohoku Mandolin Solo Competition & Ensemble Competition
Marionette Mandolin Orchestra 15th Concert
45th Kyushu Mandolin Festival in Kagoshima
・News & Topics
・Daisuke Akaiwa's "Specially selected mandolin CD that you must listen to"
・Yonao Kobayashi's "Whimsical Mandolin Essays"
・“Play! Mandolin” Fortune-telling by constellation for September to December
・Takashi Kubota's "Philoman spilled stories"
・The Art of Mandolin Making/Author Alfred Woll
・Shining! University Mandolin
Oita University Mandolin Club (Oita City, Oita Prefecture)
・Akira Yanagisawa's "Things about conducting that even non-conductors should know"
・First-year music college student's struggle story
・Kozo Onishi CD “Davide Panchetti Mandolin Works” released
・Newsletter from the museum
・Hiromitsu Kagajo's "Mandoron Cello Research Institute"
・Keizo Ishibashi's "Mandolin Insight"
・VIiva! Mandolin Orchestra
Kanto Student Mandolin Federation
・My Mandolin Life: Shiro Kaga
・Exploring musical instruments of Prince Mania
・Kinobuko Sako recommended new song information! and more
・“Twinkle Mandolin Days” by Shiori Yokomizo
・Solo song collection for mandolin beginners “I want to convey my gentle feelings”
・Introduction of linked CD contents

Songs and explanations featured this time
・“Until I Know Love” Trio (Mandolin + Mandola + Guitar)
・“Nanairo” Mandolin Ensemble (6 parts) *Can also be performed in small groups
・"Enchanting Minuet" Mandolin + Guitar
・“Cheer” Mandolin + Guitar
・“Amazing Grace” Mandolin Solo
・“My Foolish Heart” Mandolin Duo